Must-Have Dock Accessories for Your New Dock Design

The options are endless when it comes to custom dock design. Chances are good that if you can dream it, you can likely build it with a little ingenuity (and perhaps some help from a dock hardware company like ours). Once you have your basic dock design, how you accessorize it will come down to […]
The Pros and Cons of Different Dock Materials: Which is Right for You?

Choosing the right materials for your dock comes down to a matter of preference in terms of aesthetics, maintenance, cost and longevity. With a wide variety of options available, it can be challenging to determine which materials are best suited for your needs. Each material choice comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, […]
5 Common Dock Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid

Owning a dock can provide endless hours of entertainment – from swimming and fishing to boating and lounging and more. Yet owning a private dock also comes with maintenance responsibilities in order to ensure its longevity and safety. Even docks made of maintenance-free materials still require some attention from time to time. Unfortunately, it can be […]
How Do I Choose Between a Floating or Stationary Dock?

Choosing between a floating dock versus a stationary dock requires you to think through a few variables, including how you intend to use the dock and what the conditions of your waterfront are. While you may prefer the looks of one style over the other, if it’s not compatible with how you plan to use […]
How Do I Anchor a Dock to Keep it Stable?

If you suffer from wobbly dock syndrome or want to improve the stability of your floating dock, there’s one simple strategy you should use to anchor your dock. Read on to learn more about what that is. “X” Marks the Spot Anchoring a dock is important not only for your safety but also to prevent […]