How is a Dock Anchored?

Different dock systems require different anchoring methods to secure them to the seafloor or shoreline. The method you use to anchor your dock will depend on your waterfront conditions, the type of dock you have and its design, as well as how you intend to use the dock. Anchoring a Floating Dock to Shore Common […]
How Do You Tie a Floating Dock to the Shore?

The very nature of floating dock systems is that they float. The beauty of them is that you don’t have to worry about fluctuating water levels or the depth of your seafloor in order to create a stable dock system, but what you do have to worry about is keeping them in place. No one […]
What Happens if You Leave a Dock in Over Winter?

Love it or hate it, winter is on its way. That means now is the time to make a plan for your dock. For some dock owners, you may be able to leave your dock in the water during the winter, but for those in colder climates, it’s advisable to remove your dock from the […]
What Should I Do with My Dock During the Winter?

For many dock owners, the view out their home’s window looks a whole lot different in January than it does in July. And while we may not want to think about that quite yet, the time has come to make some decisions about how to best winterize your dock for the colder months. How to […]
Can I Leave My Dock in Water Over the Winter?

Whether or not you should leave your boat dock in water over the winter will depend on a few factors, but climate is the biggest one. If you live in the north and experience typical winters that include snow and ice, then you should consider removing your dock before any ice begins to form and […]