How Do I Choose Between a Floating or Stationary Dock?

Choosing between a floating dock versus a stationary dock requires you to think through a few variables, including how you intend to use the dock and what the conditions of your waterfront are. While you may prefer the looks of one style over the other, if it’s not compatible with how you plan to use […]
How Do I Anchor a Dock to Keep it Stable?

If you suffer from wobbly dock syndrome or want to improve the stability of your floating dock, there’s one simple strategy you should use to anchor your dock. Read on to learn more about what that is. “X” Marks the Spot Anchoring a dock is important not only for your safety but also to prevent […]
Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Dock Size

Docks come in all shapes and sizes. While a standard size may meet your needs just perfectly, you may also discover, over the course of your planning and research, that something custom would suit you better. Here are some things to think about as you assess your dock size requirements, and if you have any […]
Can I Build a Dock on a Steep Slope?

The good news is you can build a custom dock regardless of your property and shoreline conditions. While relatively flat, easy-to-access shorelines generally means installation is more straightforward, you can still build a dock even if you have a steep slope. What to Know When Building a Dock on a Steep Slope Building a dock […]
How to Install a Dock Ladder

Installing a dock ladder can be an easy way to add instant recreation gratification to your waterfront property, and it’s a must-have dock accessory for anyone who likes to enjoy all your water’s recreation opportunities. Read on to learn the best ways to install a dock ladder, and explore all of our ladder accessories and […]